Terms & Policies

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is very important to us and we want you to know you can trust us. Any personal details and information you supply to us for order completion, marketing or competitions are held in the strictest confidence. Any information we collect will only be used for personalisation by Bee Friend.


Bee Friend requires orders to be placed via the website by Sunday midnight for the following weeks delivery. You will be emailed an order confirmation email which will include a delivery schedule, so please ensure you mark our email address as ‘safe’ to make sure you receive all emails from us. If you miss this cutoff time for ordering, it will be logged for the following weeks delivery. Your order will be delivered in full. It is the responsibility of the customer to ensure you have adequate freezer/refrigerator room for the amount of food you have ordered.


Only one account is allowed per customer. It is against our terms of service to create multiple accounts to abuse discounts or misrepresent a customer's identity. We reserve the right to cancel duplicate accounts and deny future service to accounts created to abuse good faith.

Subscription service

Our subscription service offers our customers an automated debit and delivery service. Customers can organise this by clicking the ‘subscription’ button as you enter our shop and then place the order and frequency you would like to be automatically delivered. If you have any queries about this, please contact us.

Customers are able to log into their profile at any time to edit their personal details as well as changing/cancelling their subscription order. Just do so by logging into your profile and you will find ‘my account’ at the top of the screen, from there you will see ‘active subscriptions’.

Cancelled Orders

If an order needs cancelling (and possibly refunding), please contact Bee Friend via email gatewaytoomulla@gmail.com with the order number requiring cancellation and reason no later than midnight on the Sunday prior to when the delivery is expected.


Bee Friend will refund or replace any of their Bee Friend products if they are spoiled when received by the customer. Please contact us via phone or email to discuss this immediately. The product will need to be retained for examination.

Delivery Policy

Please see the ‘Delivery Info’ at the bottom of this page for delivery details.

Deliveries will be left following the customers delivery instructions. It is the customers responsibility to receive and split if need be products and freeze within 10 hours of delivery.


At Bee Friend, we're very conscious of our environmental footprint, so we implore all customers to do their best when recycling our packaging.

Here's some tips that could help:

  • The cardboard delivery boxes can be reused or recycled through your usual recycling bin at home. We also encourage larger quantities to be delivered where possible to lessen boxes.
  • The gel ice packs can either be used for your own personal use or be emptied into the soil in the garden for better water retention. The gel is non toxic and will break down over time. The gel cannot be put down the sink.
  • The plastic of the ice pack, the insulated bubble liner & soft plastic product packaging can all be recycled at any participating REDcycle location. You find these in retailers such as Aldi, Coles or Woolworths.

Have a Question?

See our FAQs or Contact Us